Q & A

What type of education do Chiropractors receive?
Chiropractors are very well educated.  The science of chiropractic requires doctors of chiropractic to put a special emphasis on anatomy, biomechanics, neurology, pathology, physiology, spinal adjusting techniques, X-ray, and related subjects.  After intense study of these subjects, chiropractors are prepared to detect and correct vertebral subluxations, thereby correcting spinal nerve interference.
Number of Classroom Hours Compared to Medical Doctor
Chiropractic                                                     Medicine
540                            Anatomy                             508
165                            Chemistry                           325
630                            Diagnosis                            324
120                            Microbiology                        114
320                            Neurology                            112
60                              Obstetrics                           148
210                            Orthopedics                         156
360                            Pathology                            401
240                            Physiology                           326
60                              Psychiatry                           144
360                            X-ray                                    148
2,887                         Total Hours                           2,706
In addition to the requirements listed, chiropractors must also complete courses in nutrition, palpation, chiropractic philosophy and practice, and spinal adjustments.  Chiropractors have spent 4,485 hours in the classroom, compared to a medical doctor's 4,248 hours, by the time they graduate from chiropractic school.  Before they obtain their degree, they must also complete approximately 900 hours of work in a clinic setting.
To graduate with a Doctor of Chiropractic degree, chiropractors must pass a very intense and demanding National Board Examination.  In addition, they must also pass a practical exam and interview conducted by the State Board of Chiropractic Examiners in the state where they are seeking a license.
This clearly proves that chiropractors are one of the best trained doctors you will find.
What do Chiropractors do?
Chiropractors are trained to ensure your nervous system is free of spinal nerve interference.  They believe in whole body wellness.  Wellness is the state of health where you body is free of spinal nerve interference, allowing you to enjoy life.  Your chiropractor will discover any spinal nerve interference within your spinal column and with specific chiropractic adjustments, will correct them.  Your body will then be free to heal itself, express itself, and function at an optimal level.  Chiropractors teach you how you can live "subluxation-free."  This is achieved through better posture, diet, attitude, exercise, and rest leading to a higher quality of life.
What are subluxations?
The body depends on the free flow of nerve communication from the brain, through the spinal column, to every part of the body.  When any of these nerves become twisted, the vital communication system is interrupted.  These neurological interruptions are called subluxations.
What causes vertebral subluxations?
With children, subluxations often occur during the birth process.  All of the pulling, pushing, and twisting on the newborn's neck and spine during the birth process often cause one or more vertebra to be pushed out of place, resulting in subluxations.  As we grow up, subluxations are caused daily by falls, sports activities, accidents/injuries, bad posture, physical and emotional stress, and many other things.  By having a chiropractor correct these subluxations throughout your childhood and the rest of your life, your family can achieve an improved quality of life.
What are some of the warning signs of vertebral subluxations?
Subluxations can cause pain and muscle spasms.  However, most of the time, you will not experience any symptoms.  Often, symptoms such as headaches, back pain, neck stiffness, pain in your shoulders, arms or legs, numbness in your hands and feet and various other symptoms can be signs of subluxations.
How can I try to prevent subluxations?
The number one way to prevent subluxations is to receive lifetime wellness care.  This way you can come in on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis to get checked.  Other ways to prevent subluxations include proper nutrition, rest, exercise, a positive attitude and good posture.  Your body needs healthy foods to replenish itself and repair damage.  It is important to exercise to strengthen joints and muscles, so they can support your body's structure.  Poor posture can be caused by excessive weight, negative mental attitudes, injury to joints, bones and ligaments, faulty nutrition, improper sleep support, poorly designed shoes, and various other contributing factors.
How are subluxations corrected?
To detect and correct vertebral subluxations, specific tests will be performed, as well as palpation and possibly X-rays, to determine if and where you are subluxated.  A specific chiropractic adjustment will then be delivered.
What is a chiropractic adjustment?
A chiropractic adjustment is the art of introducing a specific force in a precise direction, applied to a vertebra that is subluxated.  Using the bony processes of the vertebra, it is mostly characterized by a dynamic thrust of controlled amplitude.  The adjustment releases the vertebra back into its normal position along the spine, allowing proper nerve flow to and from the brain.
There are numerous ways to adjust the spine.  Each of the various techniques requires a specific force and line of drive.  The adjustment is delivered either by the doctor's hands or a specially designed instrument.  Some of the adjusting techniques are quick, while others require a slow, constant pressure.
What causes the sound made during a chiropractic adjustment?
The sound is not actually the spine "cracking" or "popping" as most people think.  The sound is created by gas rushing in to fill the partial vacuum created when the joints are slightly separated.
What does it feel like to get adjusted?
Chiropractic patients are very comfortable and relaxed while getting adjusted.  An adjustment should not be painful.
Are all patients adjusted the same way?
No.  A case history will be taken and specific chiropractic tests will be performed to decide if you are subluxated and what technique to utilize.  There are numerous techniques.  The one best for you will be chosen.
When should I be adjusted?
Every man, woman and child should have their spines checked on a regular basis just as teeth and gums should be checked on a regular basis for proper dental hygiene.
You should also be checked if you have any symptoms which make it hard to cope day in and day out.  If you have been involved in an accident, you should have your spine checked as soon as possible.
Remember, chiropractic care is not for the relief of symptoms, conditions or disease.  It is essential to correct subluxations so you continue to function and perform at your highest potential.
Does it hurt to get adjusted?
No.  Chiropractic adjustments feel great.  When you allow the vertebra in your spine to return to their normal position, there is less stress and tension on your muscles and ligaments.
Once you get adjusted, do you have to keep getting adjusted forever?
No.  However, many patients choose to continue with periodic chiropractic adjustments over their lifetime.
Once your symptoms disappear, you might be tempted to quit care.  However, it is important to understand that just because your symptoms are gone temporarily does not mean your spinal problems are corrected.  The symptoms are often the first things to disappear.  Many spinal subluxations have been neglected since early childhood.  These long-standing problems usually involve soft tissue damage, muscle weakness and degenerative changes in the spine.  In these cases, ongoing corrective care will help your spine reach optimal health.
Continuing with chiropractic care is ultimately up to you.  However, periodic chiropractic check-ups will allow your body to fight off sickness and encourage health.
Is chiropractic care safe?
Yes.  Chiropractic care is definitely one of the safest types of health care.  Without the use of drugs and surgery, chiropractors utilize a conservative approach when correcting vertebral subluxations.  One just needs to compare the malpractice premiums paid by chiropractors to that paid by medical doctors.  Chiropractic premiums are approximately 1/20 the price of the premiums medical doctors pay.
Hundreds of thousands of people will die this year as a result of bad medicine.  Of the millions of people under chiropractic care, only a handful will even make a complaint.
Can chiropractic help me?
Chiropractic care is beneficial to every man, woman, child and animal that has a spine.  Understanding that the brain and spinal cord make up your nervous system, one can understand that chiropractic care works by restoring balance to the body giving it a better chance to heal itself.
Everyone needs proper nerve function.  Chiropractic care provides your body with a greater potential to defend itself against germs and infection.  You and your family should be checked regularly for spinal nerve interference.
Why do my children need chiropractic care?
The birth process can often be one of the most traumatic events of a child's life.  The spine can often be injured during the delivery.  Having your child checked immediately after birth is a very wise decision.  Spinal nerve interference from the birth process often becomes more serious as your child grows up.  Only a doctor of chiropractic has the proper training and qualifications to diagnose and correct vertebral subluxations.
Your child's posture is an important indicator of spinal problems.  Scoliosis is often caused by improper posture.  By having your children checked at a young age, these problems might be prevented.
Children become involved in sports at a young age.  These activities can often include minor injuries.  When your children play, they are jumping, running, twisting, bumping, and falling all over the place.  Often they will become subluxated during these activities.  To minimize the chance of future health problems, it is important to have your children checked by a chiropractor on a regular basis.
Spinal hygiene should be part of your whole family's wellness lifestyle.
Who else needs chiropractic care?
All of your friends should have their spines checked on a regular basis.  Chiropractic care enables your bodies' systems to function optimally.  You can prevent many future health problems through early detection of vertebral subluxations.
Can I help speed up the healing process?
In a way, yes.  Though it is difficult to speed up your body's natural healing process, by following a few recommendations, you can give yourself the opportunity to recover quickly and prevent problems.
It is important that you allow your body enough time to rest throughout the day and that you get enough sleep at night.  It is also important to sleep in a proper position.  The best way to sleep is on your side with your legs straight and your head on a soft pillow.  The next best way is on your back.
When you are lifting objects, always use your legs to lift the weight, not your back.  Make sure you are strong enough to lift the object you have in mind.  If not, save yourself future injury and ask for help.
It is important to eat a balanced meal.  Proper nutrition will provide your body with the essential components for growth and healing.
Try to keep a positive attitude throughout the day and realize life is full of ups and downs.  Just when you thought life couldn't get any worse, it won't; it will get better.  A positive mental attitude will alleviate stress and allow clear thinking.  Stress is known to cause subluxations.
Why should I continue chiropractic care if I do not have symptoms and I feel better?
Chiropractic care is not a treatment or cure for symptoms, conditions or disease.  Just because symptoms disappear, it doesn't mean your vertebral subluxations are corrected.  Many cases consist of patients who present spinal problems that have developed over many years.  Slips, falls, and other accidents experienced over your lifetime adversely affect your spine.  The longer you wait to have your spine checked, the longer it will take to correct a problem.
A schedule of adjustments to correct your subluxations will be suggested.  Once your body has regained the ability to hold the vertebra in place, you can decide whether you would like to continue with a wellness program.
What typically happens on the first visit?
Typically, on the first visit, you will fill out a complete health history detailing past injuries or problems and present symptoms.  Remember, symptoms are not going to be treated.  The symptoms help determine where you are subluxated and what technique to use.  Your case history will then be reviewed with you, followed by a discussion as to how you may be helped through chiropractic care.
You will then receive a complete examination, consisting of various testing procedures to help determine where you are subluxated.
Your Report of Findings will then be discussed with you.  These are the results of the examination.  A specific course of care will then be recommended.
How many people are currently seeking care from chiropractors?
Over 25 million people have experienced the remarkable results of chiropractic care.  This number continues to grow as more and more people take responsibility for their healthcare and choose non-invasive, drug-free healthcare.  Chiropractic care is about one-half the price of medical care.

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